Program Highlights
Weekly classes and case conferences are taught by a hybrid faculty, including clinicians from PCPG, from Tavistock Relationships, and by other psychoanalytic couple psychotherapists from around the country.
In person* and video conference seminars.
Films relevant to understanding couples will be viewed and discussed by faculty of PCPG.
The program will meet at a downtown Berkeley location on Friday afternoons from October to May. The afternoons will include a theoretical class from 1:30 to 2:40, and a case conference from 2:50 to 4:00.
Several required component events are held on some Saturdays or Sundays throughout the year.
Access to PCPG’s highly trained supervisors. We highly recommend concurrent consultation, offered at a reduced rate by PCPG faculty and graduate members. Ongoing supervision supports the deeper integration of theory and practice and supports your development as a unique clinician.
A Selection of Second Year Curriculum Topics:
A Deeper Look
Sex and Couples
Infidelity and Triangulation
Attachment and couples
Film Viewing and Discussion
Psychoanalytic Considerations of Diversity
Transitional States and Couple Relationships
Seminars on technique
A Selection of First Year Curriculum Topics :
Theoretical Foundations of the Tavistock Method
Frame Workshop and First Hours
The Couple Analytic Setting
Difficult Couples and Narcissistic Relating
Film Viewing and Discussion
Oedipus, the Couple and the Third
Parenting and Couples
Using literature and poetry to deepen understanding
Technical Considerations in couples work: Transference, Countertransference and the Field
Length of Program:
The program is designed as a 3-year course of study, and participants who complete all 3 years become full members of PCPG community. Years one and two offer paired didactic and case conference classes, special topic seminars, and film viewings. The third year includes four elements:
The Members meet at least monthly, choosing a unique academic program with the support of PCPG faculty, to continue to study together,.
Attendance at a week-long, specially designed course of study at Tavistock Relationships in London *
Studying with the invited visiting scholar in October, in conjunction with PCPG’s annual couple psychotherapy event.
Attendance at the annual PCPG retreat, a weekend of collaborative study and fun with the PCPG community.*
We are dedicated to building a warm, rigorous and creative community of psychoanalytic couple psychotherapists, and you will be a part of the PCPG community upon completion of the 3rd year of study. PCPG offers ongoing, enriching events for its members.
* Please note: PCPG’s Intensive Study Program has been organized as an in-person program, with a few video conference events. We hope to be able to meet in person again in September and build a warm learning experience for the upcoming cohort. Whether we meet in person or on-line will be determined based on the prevailing public health guidelines.
PCPG Faculty
PCPG Core Faculty:
Leora Benioff, Ph.D., Rachel Cooke, Psy.D., Julie Friend, LCSW, BCD., Shelley Nathans, Ph.D., Milton Schaefer, PhD., Sandra Seidlitz, LCSW
PCPG Adjunct Faculty:
Shawnee Cuzzillo, Ph.D., Anton Hart, PhD., Dana Iscoff, MA, MFT., Sheila Longerbeam, MFT, Mary Morgan, MA., Nancy Kaplan, Ph.D., Ortal Kirson-Trilling, Psy.D., Paula Mandel, Ph.D., Monica Vorchheimer, MA